Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My Day Off

I took the day off so I could watch the kids while the Mrs. was taking a spinning class. She went with her friend who is teaching her how to spin raw wool into yarn.
I figured I would use the day to get some some much needed chores done. I woke up around 6-ish to help the Mrs get her grandmother's old spinning wheel into the van so she could use it for her class.
After the girls got up, I decided that we would make some Chicken corn soup together. I set the girls to shredding carrots in our Pampered Chef cheese grater(works wonderfully!), while I chopped onion and prepared the rest of the ingredients. The girls were thrilled. They really like cooking with Daddy.

Afterwards, I went to buy some tires. I made this decision last week while hydroplaning down the road during the rainstorm we had.
So, I go to the tire place, and while I'm waiting the hour or so for the car to be done, the kids and I walk over to the used video game store to browse around. The boy has been saving up work dollars towards a new video game, so he cashed those in.
After that, we walked down to the fabric store to let the girls peruse around. I am always amazed at what girls get excited over. They were both oohing and aahing over the different fabrics, how pretty they were, how they would like to make jammies out of this fabric, or how cute the hearts were on another fabric while The Boy was hollering about how bored he was. I reminded him that the girls were bored in the video game store.
We also went to Kmart, and looked through the girls clothes rack, and the toy aisle.
Cell phone rang. Car's done. 350 smackeroos. Back to home. Car feels wonderful. I must've needed tires for a while.
This is turning out to be an expensive day.
In the evening, we had parent teacher conferences. The Mrs had not yet made it back from her class, so I went to meet the teachers.
Middle girl's conference was first. She is doing fantastic. A few problems with counting money, but nothing that can't be helped with a little practice. It was a very short conference. "You're daughter's perfect. Any questions?" :)
Then I get to The Boy's conference.
Academically, everything is stellar. Behavior-wise, well...you know. Read Mrs. Wbobth's blog to read the history of The Boy. He is having crying sessions in class when given writing assignments because he doesn't know what to write. I can't be too hard on him, because I also hated those free form writing assignments that the teachers gave. On the other hand I don't think writing about your favorite Thanksgiving food should be a crying matter...
I didn't manage to get to what I really wanted to do, which was clean the basement.
Now I need to rest from my day off...

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