Sunday, November 05, 2006


Yesterday was the parents vs. kids soccer game. I may have mentioned before that I am extremely unathletic. Of the 7 parents that were on the team, 5 were soccer coaches, 1 evidently was a soccer star back in Scotland in his youth...and then there was me. I think this was the first full soccer game I ever played in my life. So I let the other guys do stuff like try to get the ball into the goal. I hung back and played defense. My only strategy was to run as fast as the kid and get in the way of them getting a clear shot on the goal. This strategy worked pretty well until I realized that I could only sprint once every 5 minutes or so. By the end of the hour, I was so tired that a 5 yr old dribbling the ball towards me got past me, and I couldn't catch up.
So this morning I got up, and I let out a howl as pain shot through my body as I went to put my pants on. Everything is painful...getting in and out of the car, climbing stairs, watching TV...
Anyway, I did have fun. The boy had a blast. And I'm getting used to the taste of Advil.
Oh, yeah...the kids won.

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